A Personal Statement on Forgiveness
I know I've made a lot of mistakes over the years.
There's a lot I would like to have done better - if I'd known then what I know now...
I wish I'd done better for those I was around just before they passed on - human and animal companions alike.
I also made a lot of stupid mistakes in how I treated and reacted to people - especially back in high school and college. I thought at the time that I was a good person...but after waking up in a sort of "Scott-Pilgrim-esque" epiphany, there's a lot I wish I'd done better.
I hope anyone who knew me during that time forgives me for what I did and how I was.
Thank God that I've been able to wake up and see things I didn't then, and am hoping to, and trying to, through His help, become a better person, but I am truly sorry for anyone I upset or hurt back then (or in any other time of my life, for that matter.)
I sincerely want to live in peace and love with all others. I forgive all, and I hope all will choose to forgive me and everyone else as well.
There is freedom and peace in forgiveness - I'd urge all to embrace it.